1. MOM launched a new EP eService replacing EP Online
Employers or employment agents (EAs) can use EP eService on myMOM Portal to apply, renew, appeal, issue, cancel, withdraw, or replace a pass (all pass types except Work Permit) and view the details of their transactions and organisation’s profile. Pass holders can use EP eService to update passport and contact details.
Please clink the link to have more details.
2. Hire foreigners with a valid work pass in Services Sector
Under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act, it is an offence to hire foreigners without a valid work pass. This includes migrant workers holding work passes under other employers.
3. Interest rates for the Special and MediSave Account (SMA) of Central Provident Fund (CPF) members will be increasing in Q3
Starting from July 1 to September 30, the interest rate for the SMA will be 4.01 per cent per annum, a slight increase from the previous 4 per cent. This adjustment is attributed to the rise in the 12-month average yield of 10-year Singapore Government Securities, which serves as the benchmark for the SMA’s interest rate.
Since 2008, the Government has maintained a minimum interest rate of 4 per cent for the Special, MediSave, and Retirement Accounts. This marks the first time since then that the SMA’s interest rate has surpassed the 4 per cent threshold.
Please note that the interest rates for other CPF accounts will remain unchanged during this period.
If you have any further questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for your attention to this matter.